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File: 1320070240005.jpg -(58096 B, 610x392) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
58096 No.70269  

What are Russian imageboard users like?

>> No.70270  
>Russian imageboard

What russian IB do you mean exactly?

>> No.70273  


This one, sosach, whatever.

>> No.70274  
File: 1320070674400.jpg -(23735 B, 299x276) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

like any other anons. but with mysterious slav soul.

>> No.70276  


But it seems so... American to post on imageboards all day.

>> No.70277  
File: 1320072711510.jpg -(54046 B, 604x453) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, generally speaking... this is most accurate representation of most common user of the internets.

>> No.70278  

this ib doesn't have a big audience, so the posting rate here is rather slow, on large russian ibs anons post all day long

>> No.70282  


What do you do when you're not online?

>> No.70284  

when i'm not in institute i'm lying on my bed while staring at ceiling

>> No.70285  

just sleep.

>> No.70286  





Seems a bit boring.

>> No.70287  
File: 1320075323532.jpg -(90647 B, 972x608) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

drinking vodka of course!

>> No.70288  




>> No.70290  
File: 1320075562191.jpg -(113778 B, 750x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>mysterious slav soul

Excellent joke!

>> No.70292  


Do you play balalaika and dance with bears also?

>> No.70294  
File: 1320075823036.jpg -(86571 B, 545x432) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

wrestle with bears, it's wrestle.

>> No.70298  


Why? What did the bears do to you?

>> No.70300  

fuckers keep walking into my house's hall. fucking bears.

>> No.70302  

Making money. I'm working at Research and Production facility in my city.

>> No.70303  
File: 1320077554248.jpg -(142717 B, 600x1097) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

младший научный сотрудник, ты? как работа, сколько платят?

>> No.70304  

You guys are a lot nicer than the people at sosach.

While we're talking, can you recommend me some Russian literature? The two most famous Russian authors in the US, besides immigrants like Nabakov, are Tolstoy and Dostoyevksy. However, they're both a bit turgid.


Are you paid well? I've read in some cities the average salary barely covers food and rent.

>> No.70305  
File: 1320077987729.jpg -(2253347 B, 2144x2840) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Russian literature

overrated depressive shit, like most of the classical literature.

>I've read in some cities the average salary barely covers food and rent.

well, russian r&d worker salary often ranges from 300$ to 1500$. go figure.

>> No.70306  

Who told you about Nowere? Or did you find it yourself?

>> No.70311  
File: 1320082009003.gif -(170896 B, 298x313) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Порываюсь к научникам. Вяло, потому что испытательный срок еще не закончен. Зарабатываю не скажу сколько, самому страшно подумать, потому что раньше ничего существенно больше стипендии не получал.

>barely covers food and rent

Not exactly, it's low salary even for poor region, a hard-working man with friends can always find good enough job to be satisfied with income. Credits are unpopular among people, most of them prefer to make money, not debts. Generally, I don't even know anyone who can allow himself to overdraft his credit cards.

>some cities

I'd say, some professions. There are many old soviet manufacturing companies with new management and slow but steady development, low diversity of salary. Some of them are rich, some of them are not, but most of those who were unable to pay their accounts, have already dissolved in last years.
As for my company, it's parking isn't seem to be filled with middle-class cars, although most of the personal are working hard on their duty and production premises are filled to the capacity. It's not a big city no more than half-a million population, but it's good enough.

>can you recommend me some Russian literature?

I have immerse library of Russian authors, however, in native language. What genre do you prefer?

>> No.70313  
File: 1320085022547.jpg -(20474 B, 102x241) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Зарабатываю не скажу сколько, самому страшно подумать

ой да не стесняйся ты, тут же не мильёнеры сидят. алсо у тебя как, с премией или прямо так зарплата назначена?

>> No.70314  

В последнем месяце - аванс 3500(купил себе дигитайзер), получка с учетом премии в честь юбилея фирмы - 20 К. Устраивался по знакомству, так что процентов 30 мне накинули за красивые глаза.
В этом месяце обещают квартальную примерно столько же.

>> No.70315  

Ну да, забыл сказать, перед этим я два года страдал херней на другой фирме студентом, так что расценка вполне обоснована.

>> No.70316  
File: 1320085998034.jpg -(352425 B, 1600x1298) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

так ты на государство работаешь, или где? ну двадцать штук на полный рабочий это стандартно так, если в нии.

алсоу лично меня дико бесят все эти рашкинские премии-хуемии, не могут, блджад, по-человечески людей подряжать за фиксированную плату.

>> No.70317  
File: 1320087268007.jpg -(132725 B, 640x482) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>так ты на государство работаешь, или где?

И да, и нет. Немаленькое предприятие, стратегическая область, ровный поток заказов, отдел, занимающийся в основном производством. Выпуск, персонал, оборот за последние лет 10 растут по экспоненте - я все гадаю, куда мы денемся, когда свободное место кончится, последняя перестановка была уже после моего прихода.

>по-человечески людей подряжать за фиксированную плату

Премии стимулируют производительность, хочешь зарабатывать больше, чем нанимался (без пересмотра договора) - въебывай, не хочешь - сиди на окладе.

>> No.70319  
File: 1320089484159.jpg -(130931 B, 478x662) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What do you mean? We're always online.

>> No.70321  
File: 1320090025051.jpg -(183139 B, 900x1197) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

that's okuu right here >>70319
he's artificial intelligence. so he's literally always online.

>> No.70326  


>overrated depressive shit, like most of the classical literature.

Yes, but I like this sort of thing.


Saw it on lurkmore.ru while looking for a certain picture.


I don't have any particular preference, besides that I don't like romance or fantasy. Something to help understand Russia better would be good.

>> No.70329  
File: 1320130991298.jpg -(32082 B, 260x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Yes, but I like this sort of thing.
>Something to help understand Russia better

then definitely read dostoevsky

>> No.70349  
File: 1320157379200.jpg -(48172 B, 179x807) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Something to help understand Russia better would be good.

That depends on level of understanding. It is difficult to abstract from modern "western" way of life and grasp the meaning of literature itself, maybe just some motives.
I cannot say something about Dostoevsky, because I never really tried to read him. But I assume that it's well outdated for modern age.
My favorite writers of last half-a-century period are Strugatsky brothers, their late writings are very thoughtful. If you want to observe the evolution of soviet way of thinking, you can read their creations of different periods.
As for post-soviet period, Pelevin is a very famous author, although it's even less related to general public. Post-modernism, Buddhist motives and so on.
Вообще, мне кажется, вся эта достоевская рефлексия по поводу сущности русского человека представляется мне анахронизмом и фарсом после всего того что было пережито за последние лет 100. То есть, может, идеи-то еще некоторые остались, но все эти широко пропагандируемые мотивы самоуничижения и порочности - не более чем штампованный ширпотреб, да к тому же направленный не в то русло. Школота, наслушавшись баек про распил и откат, копипастит одну-две цитаты из известных авторов, не разобравшись ни с контекстом, ни с содержанием, и считает себя ниибаца крутой.

>> No.70362  
File: 1320174120780.jpg -(79335 B, 500x737) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>I cannot say something about Dostoevsky, because I never really tried to read him. But I assume that it's well outdated for modern age.

dostoesky poems are really saturated with mysterious slavic soul and grasp reality that will later be transfered from tsarian russia to ussr and modern russia.

also read "the doomed city" by arkady and boris strugatsky.

also there were more but i forgot.

>Вообще, мне кажется, вся эта достоевская рефлексия по поводу сущности русского человека представляется мне анахронизмом и фарсом после всего того что было пережито за последние лет 100

ага, да конечно, достоевский пиздит, щас. русская ментальность как была дремуче-крепостной, так и осталась, и в союзе, и сейчас. она просто претерпевала некоторые изменения, адаптируясь к новым средствам производства, а ты просто оторван от людей.

>> No.70368  
File: 1320176819459.jpg -(28589 B, 442x449) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>русская ментальность как была дремуче-крепостной

Как и следовало ожидать.

>Школота, наслушавшись баек про распил и откат, копипастит одну-две цитаты из известных авторов, не разобравшись ни с контекстом, ни с содержанием, и считает себя ниибаца крутой.

Я тебе щас объясню этот парадокс, только быстро, ты не обижайся если сразу не врубишь.
Русский человек - самый свободолюбивый из существующих наций. Круче только всякие горцы, но у них свои заскоки(мало территории), поэтому они как были горными козлами, так и остались.
В "цивилизованом западе" свобода есть реализуемая необходимость делать вещи "цивилизованно". То есть, если ты свободно идешь поссать за угол (даже если ты внимательно убедился, что никому не помешаешь своим присутствием) - ты дикарь и тоталитарный раб. А если ты ищешь туалет и платишь денежку за вход - значит, ты цивилизованная няша и ценишь свободу.
Почему русских называют "рабами", "крепостными" даже более усердно, чем негров-папуасов, яро и с остервенением и т.д. - они прививают людям "цивилизованную свободу" в противовес свободе естественной и непринужденной.
Если ты въехал в эту телегу, я расскажу тебе вторую часть этой истории. И даже третью.

>> No.70370  
File: 1320177213499.jpg -(24976 B, 404x267) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Русский человек - самый свободолюбивый

только в мечтах, бро.

русская свобода- это мечта/архетип из времён до рождества христова. и вот её не было и нет, как игор на пс3. конфликт русской души как раз в том, что мы с одной стороны две тысячи лет жили общинами, а с другой стороны желали раздолья. это вообще трудно формулируется.

алсо у тебя СОЕДИНЁННЫЕ ШТАТЫ АМЕРИКИ, в который раз.

>> No.70371  
File: 1320177747845.jpg -(181235 B, 450x616) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>а с другой стороны желали раздолья

Раздолье было, пока монголы не пришли и не утрамбовали немного. Англичане в монголах понимают почти столько же, сколько в русских, т.е., ровным счетом нихуя, поэтому на них вэтом вопросе ориентироваться не стоит.
Они упускают одну деталь. Раньше, в славные года Руси Киевской и чуть поранее, до раздора, местные любили собраться большой толпой и пуститься во все тяжкие, аж до Царьграда. А с известных пор получается наоборот - мы даже собраться никуда не успеваем, клиенты к нам сами причаливают.


Да похуй. Смычка неуловимого Джо с жидами.

>> No.70422  

So, erm, about the books, besides Dostoevsky...

>> No.70426  

you can't read multiple books simultaneously.

>> No.70428  


Maybe in Russia. Probably why you lost the cold war.

>> No.70431  

They are like bunch of miserable retards with sparkles of genius glitters from time to time among gay niggers and shit. They are marginal. They lack social skills so they come to IB for conversations they couldn't find in real life. As for me there are more of retards now, and less of inspiration. And less of conversations, too, because they all are too busy trying to find out who of them are kids, and who are True Respected Anonymous. They often have peezdostradanya and are willing to share it with others.
I suppose it's like everywhere, isn't it?

>> No.70440  

Cold War? Oh, you can't be serious: if Americans won it, why do they still have aiming mark on their land?
You can read some literature like that, if it's crime story or fantasy novel. But the purpose of these are not amusement but the studying of important question of human life, deeply connected to our existence. Sure you can avoid those questions and observe it more directly, judging by events and characters, but it's not what you intended to do, right?

>> No.70444  


Well, I wouldn't say we won, but Russia certainly lost.

>but it's not what you intended to do, right?

No, it isn't, but to be perfectly honest I don't like Dostoevsky very much. He's a bit turgid and reading, for example Crime and Punishment, makes me very uncomfortable for reasons I shouldn't go into. He's a good writer of course, but it's only rarely that I can bear to read his work.

I don't suppose it would be possible to find an author from Russia's imperial period that wasn't a nobleman, would it?


Yes, I suppose. What's 'peezdostradanya'.

>> No.70445  
File: 1320264357379.jpg -(61919 B, 409x604) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>I don't suppose it would be possible to find an author from Russia's imperial period that wasn't a nobleman, would it?

Maybe if we will dig something from the period of beginning of 20st century... It was interesting time, Silver Age of culture and poetry, although it ended up in revolution.
I don't really interested in all sorts of Realism and Symbolism of that time(especially i don't like sentimental lyrical forms), I'd rather show you some more futuristic conceptions, novels and so on.
Today many people think about russian revolution as it was some spontaneous tragic event in result of social upheaval, but they don't even have a clue about contents and hopes of this epoch.

>> No.70478  

Andrei Platonov is worth reading but I don't know how well his books are translated.

Varlam Shalamov's "Kolyma Tales" are interesting if you want to know more about GULAG. Shalamov himself said that this knowledge is of a kind he would prefer not to get.

Where are you from, bro?

>> No.70493  
File: 1320337883713.jpg -(302040 B, 1098x682) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>He's a bit turgid and reading

it's just shitty translation.

>I don't suppose it would be possible to find an author from Russia's imperial period that wasn't a nobleman
>implying dirty console peasants knew how to write.
>Yes, I suppose. What's 'peezdostradanya'.

'pussy-suffering', or suffering over pussy. pointeless shitpostswhining about not having girlfriend.
he's from canada, read the motherfucking thread before you motherfucking post.

>> No.70502  


Thanks for the recommendations. I imagine the period leading up to the revolution will be more interesting to read about than the other.


On the note of gulags, what do you guys think Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?

>Where are you from, bro?

The US.


>'pussy-suffering', or suffering over pussy. pointeless shitpostswhining about not having girlfriend.

Hahaha. That's an interesting term for it, I like it. English has nothing so succinct or eloquent to describe the concept.

>> No.70503  

Also, how do you all speak English so well?

>> No.70508  

Because Internet. 3 years of constant net surfing surely can leave great experience.
I often use Google Translate to remember some not very common words and browser's internal dictionary to correct some others. It's even simpler to do so, as it's just a forum post, not actual words to be spoken.

>> No.70510  
File: 1320355343865.jpg -(42396 B, 550x339) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.70528  
File: 1320391254972.jpg -(100488 B, 543x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

he is a disgusting antisoviet rooster.
playing games english-only since 13yo, then browsing english intrawebz constantly, reading english technical manuals and then posting on 4chan since 2008.

>> No.70729  



"Cunt-suffering" would be better.


>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

He is too dramatic, too emotional. As for me he is infected with guruism.

>> No.70760  
File: 1320700816117.gif -(2266 B, 210x187) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Well, I wouldn't say we won, but Russia certainly lost.

I doubt that. Soviets lost the cold war, that is for certain. And people of modern Russia were among those who destroyed it. Now, Putin or not, russians are more free and prosperous than ever (despite what sovietfags might say). If that's not a victory, I don't know what is.
As for the literature, try some Sholokhov. Guy's a Nobel prize winner, you won't be disappointed. If you would like to have some good laughs and also learn a thing or two about life in USSR I'd recommend you Bulgakov ("The Heart of the dog" and "Master and Margarita" especially).

>> No.70763  


>and prosperous

ahaha nu ti lolka

>> No.70854  


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