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391 No.202007  

I'm going to learn English, how are the pitfalls?

>> No.202008  


>how are the pitfalls

Learning how to put words in sentence is more important than learning words by itself.
You probably wanted to ask "What are the pitfalls"


>> No.202009  


>> No.202020  

Learning how to put words into senteces is more important than the learning of words by itself.
What you probably want to ask is "What are the pitfalls"

The pitfalls are fine.

>> No.202032  

Things, that repeat two times heard more effective, yeah.

>> No.202033  

по немецки умеешь-то?

>> No.202039  

Which underwater rocks?

>> No.202043  

Ну, кстати первый пост написал я, а второй не я.
Надо было опять трипкод использовать.

>> No.217920  
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> Learning how to put words into senteces is more important than the learning of words by itself.

That's true! I still have difficulties sometimes with phrasing things out despite being able to read for more than 10 years.
I need to work on some excersice book or something, but it's utterly boring. Playing games or watching movies with subs is much more fun.

>> No.217960  

Thank you for bringing this thread up!

There is one common known joke on this topic:

– How much watches?
— Ten clocks.
— Such much?
— For whom how…
— MGIMO finished?
— A-a-a-ask!..

>> No.217964  
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кстати про ямопады.

я недавно в душе мылся, думал про индустриальный выход римской империи, и вдруг понял что английские буквы - полная хуита. слова в английском не читаются так как звучат буквы. в русском мы на подсознании принимаем что буква что в словаре, что в слове звучит одинаково. в английском там вообще никакой связи нет. отсюда и транскрипции, я в общем-то никогда не понимал зачем они вообще нужны. вот теперь дошло.

>> No.217973  

Can mice nyan?

>> No.217992  

No, they can squeak only.

>> No.217993  
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Monkeys can climb
Crickets can leap
Horses can race
Owls can seek
Cheetahs can run
Eagles can fly
People can try
But that's about it.

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